Once all the documentation has been submitted and the application deposit has been paid, the admission advisor will schedule an interview to assess the candidacy.
Payment Policy
$500 non-refundable application deposit must be paid once your documentation has been submitted.Once admitted to the program tuition can be paid in full or up to three installments.
Installment Payment Conditions
We offer the option to make your payment in two installments:Pay in 2 installments
Payment Schedule
In Advance
First month
Pay in 3 installments
Payment Schedule
In Advance
First month
Second month
No fee reduction available if payment is completed in installments.
For information about Alumni and group enrollment benefits you can talk with our Admission Department.
Cancellation Policy
You can request a refunduntiltheprogramstarts;however,an administrative fee of $300 USD will be deductedfromtheamountpaid. Therefundwill be issued in thesameformat as originallyreceived. After theprogramstarts,tuitionisnon–refundable.
Transfer Policy
Youhavetheoptionto transfer yourregistrationtothenextscheduled online program up totwenty-one (21)daysfollowingtheprogramstartbypayingan administrative fee of$300.Please note thatrequestsmade after thatperiodwillnot be considered, andthemaximumnumberof times you can postpone yourattendanceis once.Cohortchangesrequestedfor medical reasonsorduetoforcemajeurecommunicatedwithinthefirsttwenty-one (21)daysfromthebeginningofthecohort are exemptfrompaymentofthe administrative feeof$300 USD. Thisexceptionappliesprovidedtherequestiscommunicatedwithinthecorrespondingperiodby email and supportedbythecorrespondingdocumentation (medical orotherreports). Once theapplicationisreceived, theacademiccommitteewill decide whethertherequestisapproved.All notifications of cancellations and transfers must be submitted in writing to Chicago Booth Executive Education.Chicago Booth Executive Education, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to limit enrollments or cancel a program regardless of acceptance status. In the unlikely event of a program cancellation, paid program fees will be refunded. Chicago Booth is not responsible for any expenses accrued by the program registrant.To make a request for a cancellation or transfer, please contact the Executive Education office at execedon@chicagobooth.edu.
Photo & Video Rights
Photo rights – The University of Chicago reserves the right to use photos and video taken during seminar activities for promotional purposes. Audio/Video – Participants are not allowed to transcribe or record Executive Education programs in audio or video format unless they receive advance approval, in writing, from the instructor or dean. Such permission is typically granted only in connection with the accommodation of a student’s disability, and all such approved recordings are for personal use only and may not be duplicated, file-shared, sold, or distributed. More information about the University’s policy regarding Audio and Video Recording on Campus is available on the University’s website. All inquiries should be directed to exec.ed@ChicagoBooth.edu. The University of Chicago reserves the right to change without notice any statement in this bulletin concerning, but not limited to, curricula, programs, faculty, tuition, fees, policies, and rules. If program or curriculum changes take place after you commence the program, we will make every effort to implement the changes in your best interest.
Program Management: All the contents of the course would be made available to students at the commencement of the course. However, to ensure the program delivers the desired learning outcomes students have adopted to adhere to the cohort-based learning approach. The students by accepting these terms of services appoint Global Alumni to manage the delivery of the program during the course period for a better learning experience the fee for which is already included under Course Fee, as stated in the Course Fees and Payment section.
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